The Legend of Goldhorn (animation) be Lea Vucko (Slovenia) is a stunning re-imagining of a classic Slovenian tale with a timeless message which serves as a reminder for both the older and the younger generation that the selfish destruction of nature and the environment will bring about our own end.
The story takes place in the Julian Alps, the highest mountain in Slovenia. In this tale, a young man, turned scorned lover takes to the mountains. There he is haunted by specters of his lost love and turns to the darker part of himself fueled by anger, greed and jealousy which manifests as a dark shadow looming over him. In an attempt to win back the heart of the woman he loves the man attempts to hunt the god of the Alps, the legendary Goldhorn. It proves not to be an easy task, the goldhorn evades him at every turn and in the end when he manages to wound it, it proves futile. The goldhorn heals itself and perseveres while the hunter dies.
Through the rich colours and captivating animation a tale from the past is brought into the present in order to teach us a timeless lesson about human greed and the importance of preserving the environment. Τhe animation is drawn frame by frame and is inspired by expressionism while presenting the illusion of having been drawn on glass . Additionally, the music score is made with traditional Slavic instruments.
The film works as a bridge between the past and present, by keeping a traditional story alive through modern means and as a result preserving its immortal message through the ages. We are reminded of the teachings of stories from the historical past of our cultures and as a result we are able to apply them to our lives today. The legend of Goldhorn warns us of the inevitable doom that waits for people who are consumed by their own greed and to satisfy it destroy nature.
Today it is more evident than ever that the well-being of the environment has been sacrificed in the altar of profit. The Goldhorn serves as a reminder that if we do not act the consequences will be dire for all of us and maybe it’s a message from the past that shouldn’t be ignored. The rich folklore of the Balkans contains many such stories who aim to inform and guide. Their preservation through modern media as is the case of the Legend of the Goldhorn is an inspiration for future filmmakers and a privilege to experience as a viewer.
Andreana Kanara, Undergraduate student in the department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental studies , University of Macedonia
The Legend of Goldhorn won the BBB First Entry Award at the 14th BBB Short Film Festival – Niksic – “Edgetales”