BBB in the neighborhood

eimaste o topos

“BBB in the neighborhood Vol VI – We are the TOPOS” 15/6/2022

On Wednesday, June 15, BBB organized the “BBB in the neighborhood Vol VI – We are the TOPOS” in the context of “Culture in the Neighborhoods”, organized and implemented by the Municipality of Athens through the Athens Culture Net. This special screening event took place at the 4th Primary School of Pagrati inviting residents of Pagrati […]


Photo Marathon and Photo Exhibition: My Kypseli in 3 clicks 28/5/2022

On Saturday, May 28 2022, BBB organised one more activity of the BBB in the neighbourhood project, which runs for many years in the neighbourhoods of the city of Athens and is widely loved by the residents.  In the context of “Culture in the Neighborhoods”, organized and implemented by the Municipality of Athens and the […]

3 clicks for my Kypseli

Photo Marathon and Photo Exhibition: My Kypseli in 3 clicks

Balkans Beyond Borders happily presents the BBB in the neighborhood project “My Kypseli in 3 clicks” in the context of “Culture in the Neighborhoods”, organized and implemented by the Municipality of Athens and the Athens Culture Net, from 12 to 29 May, in Kypseli. On Saturday, May 28, BBB will organize the photo marathon “My […]

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ΒΒΒ στη γειτονιά: Ιστορίες από το Παγκράτι και τον Άγιο Αρτέμιο

[For English click here] Το project Ιστορίες από το Παγκράτι και τον Άγιο Αρτέμιο είναι μέρος του προγράμματος BBB στη γειτονιά (ΒΒΒ in the neighborhood), μία ευρύτερη δράση του Balkans Beyond Borders (BBB) με στόχο τη διασυνδεσιμότητα των κατοίκων,  των καλλιτεχνών και των ανθρώπων της πόλης μέσω πολιτιστικών και διαδραστικών εκδηλώσεων. Η συγκεκριμένη δράση διοργανώθηκε στο πλαίσιο […]

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BBB in the neighborhood: The Pagkrati Project

[For Greek click here] The Pagkrati Project is under the framework of BBB in the neighborhood, a BBB’s broader action scheme aims at the interconnectivity of local people, residents, and artists via cultural and interactive events. It was organized as part of the program “Culture in the neighborhoods“, an initiative of the Municipality of Athens and the Athens […]


BBB in the neighborhood vol II – Living in… “city-mmetry”

On Saturday 5 of November BBB transformed Varvakeio Sq in Athens into an open air cinema in cooperation with SynAthina, Municipality of Athens. One year after the 6th BBB Short Film Festival, BBB organizes an open air screening in central Athens inspired by its last year’s topic: Living in “city-mmetry” inviting all “neighbors” and friends in […]