

“Untiling” the tiles of today’s Balkan mosaic” – workshop & screening

Balkans Beyond Borders in collaboration with Gender/Lab and the Club for the Study of Borders, Culture and Diversity are organizing on Friday, March 3rd, 2023, an event entitled “Untiling” the tiles of today’s Balkan mosaic”. The event consists of a free film-storytelling workshop based on Haiku Poems at the University of Macedonia (Conference Hall) followed […]

ECHO II_GLAM_Hack_seminars athens

GLAM Hack WORKSHOP as part of the ECHO II: TRADITIONS IN TRANSITION in Athens 25/5/2022

Balkans Beyond Borders and GLAM Hack, in the context of the open access policy of the project ECHO II: Traditions in Transition, co-organize a 2-session workshop for artists, heritage professionals, cultural managers, activists and anyone interested in the Open GLAM movement. The workshop will take place on Wednesday 25 May 2022 (time: 17:30 – 21:00) […]


Cine-Balkan for teenagers February 2022

“Cine-Balkan for teenagers” was a series of online creative workshops for students on the topic cinema and films that took place in February 2022. The goal of the action was to provide teens with the essential skills and tools to critically watch short films, discuss with the professionals of the cinema field, communicate their own […]


“Bridging Short Talks” Greece & Montenegro webinars series

Balkans Beyond Borders from Greece and Ficus cultural organization from Montenegro will host on 5 & 6 of June an intensive weekend full of web-discussions about short film making addressing young filmmakers from Greece and Montenegro as a bilateral exchange of best practices in the industry. “Bridging Short Talks” will include a series of interactive webinars […]

BBB goes to Thessaloniki “CREABALK SEMINAR”, 12/2019

BBB goes to Thessaloniki “CREABALK SEMINAR”, 12/2019

From 12th to 14th of December BBB participated in the seminar of University of Macedonia and the Institute Francais de Thessalonique «Showing, Seeing, Hearing Balkan Cities» as part of the CREABALK (Creative Balkans) which is an international network of academic and cultural partners focusing on the city as a research and creation lab.  «Showing, Seeing, […]


BBB at STEP project – interactive workshop: short films as educational tool 23/2/2019

BBB participated at the Erasmus+ project STEP – Sustainable and Transformative Education for Participation in democratic life – STEP Forward) with a 2 hours non-formal learning workshop addressed to school teachers, high schools students and cultural operators and practitioners. STEP project is a 18-months Capacity Building project co-financed by the European Commission including organizations from […]